Friday, April 25, 2014

It Takes Balls

Remember this guy?  A big delicious pot of risotto...for two people.   I suppose it's time I divulge one of my biggest kitchen problems.  For some reason, I am always compelled to cook enough food for a family of eight, even though it is just for my boyfriend and myself.  It's a problem, I know.  I should get help...or open a soup kitchen.  Until I do something about it, our fridge is perpetually full of leftovers. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Yeah, we can make Risotto

This is one of my favorite dishes ever.  Not because it is delicious (eat it off the floor good).  Not because it is beautiful (look at those colors).  Not even because it combines some of the best flavors ever created (bacon, parmesan, butter).  It's because it is fancy and when I make it I can pretend I am too!!  At least in my neck of the woods, if you tell someone you made risotto they are going to be impressed...then they are going to ask you what risotto is.  I must confess until I started making it myself, my only experience of risotto involved Chef Ramsey calling someone a donkey.  I don't know if mine would pass his test, but it rocks the house around here.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Welcome, Let's Get Groovy!!

I've racked my brain for many months for the perfect name for this blog.  It finally hit me as I lay in bed last night thinking of the mozzarella I would be making today and the horror movie I had just watched.  (Note: do not think about cheese and ghosts before you drift off, you will have some weird dreams.)  I may as well just admit to myself and the rest of the world that, deep down, I am a hippie and I just want life to be groovy. 

Take my recent addiction to yoga.  Or the fact that a batch of homemade granola is now a weekly tradition in my house.  And believe me this isn't a recent phenomenon.  I still remember the shirt I wore to the first day of 3rd grade with huge purple bubble letters spelling "groovy".  I still fail to understand why all the other kids didn't bow down to my awesomeness.  Oh well, I guess we can't all be groovy.  And a final point since I'm traveling down memory lane here.  Some of the best times of my teenagehood where walking with my best friend down the main street of our small town throwing peace signs to see how many we would get back.  (Hint:  In small town, red state Wyoming, the answer is not many.)

My goal with this site is to share my love of food...real food. My definition of that is still in progress.  I'm not going to preach about eating only organic or putting chia seeds in your tea.  I'm inspired by my grandma's kitchen, where the eggs came from chickens she had met and hashbrowns were hand cut each Sunday for my grandpa.  I would hate for such great memories to be obliterated by Big Macs and sucralose.  So, I'm going to keep making more of those memories and I hope you will join me.  Let's see where this journey takes us.

Peace and Love-B